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The real cost of underfunding: Staff burnout and student retention

Vivi, Founder of Blackbullion, shares her thoughts on new findings about the wellbeing of student services staff and the knock-on effect on student retention.

3 ways student financial wellbeing has shifted in the last year

Three ways student financial wellbeing has shifted over the past year, based on findings from our Student Money & Wellbeing 2022 research.

3 key areas of student financial wellbeing to pay attention to

Student financial wellbeing is complex and rapidly evolving; here are 3 key areas for support staff to pay attention to, following a survey with students.

5 areas of financial wellbeing support that matter to students

Discover 5 areas of financial wellbeing support that matter to students, what they feel universities are currently doing well and suggestions for improvement.

Financial attitudes & values among students

In the first of three insights & trends reports about student financial wellbeing, we share students’ financial attitudes and values around money.

The future of financial support for students

With the future of financial support for students in mind, our latest research presents students' thoughts and identifies opportunities for institutions.

Financial worries: the impact on students’ mental health and university experience

We've been exploring how students' finances have been affected by COVID-19 and the impact of financial concerns on students' physical and mental health and university experience.

Students’ thoughts on help from support staff this term

We asked our student community for their thoughts on the help they've received from university support staff this term. Here's what they said. Spoiler: there’s a lot of love in this free, downloadable report!

Students’ thoughts on tuition fee refunds

In the spirit of listening more to students themselves, we asked our student community for their thoughts on tuition fee refunds for those studying under Covid restrictions. Here's what they said; read the free PDF report.