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The Covid-19 debate in HE continues

Managing remote teams

The new student life

Many International students in the UK have been plunged into a Kafkaesque world of uncertainty and fear. In a situation of Global pandemic their routes to return home have been rapidly shut down.

New Blackbullion research finds that university students feel abandoned by the government during coronavirus

Last week, we came across some alarming social media threads from our student community. Students were panicking about their finances. They couldn’t find the answers they needed.

Is it the new normal? Not so much.

First face to face teaching went, then libraries and now support services all moving as quickly as they can to online. But now the majority of students are having to quit their accommodation.

Financial checklist for covid-19 times

Now is a key time to consider what is happening to your household incomes and how you can respond.

COVID-19 and Access to Funding Support

The spread of COVID-19 is a public health emergency and while the impact on business and the stock markets is clear - Coronavirus wiped out $1.7 trillion in US stock market...

Can software improve the well-being of students and staff?

Blackbullion champions sustainable money habits with National Student Money Week 2020 #NSMW20

Running from 3rd to 7th February, National Student Money Week takes place on campuses across the country, to increase student awareness about the habits they can change...