
Investing in impact: the UK’s first social value framework for scholarships

Blackbullion helps thousands of students to apply and access funding from corporate sponsors. This support is vital to ensure that more students can complete their studies – as more than 40,000 were forced to drop out of their courses last year according to reporting by Times Higher Education.

But how do we measure impact beyond the individual: for our economy and for our society?

In this report, we will share the UK’s first and only social value framework for reporting on the impact of scholarships, which has been co-created by Blackbullion and the Housing Associations Charitable Trust (HACT).

Our report explains how – and why – investing in scholarships is a great decision for students, businesses, and our society.

What’s covered in this free report?

  1. How you can use scholarships to recruit diverse talent before they’ve even considered joining your business
  2. Learn about the history of social value and its role in public spending procurement processes
  3. A breakdown of our UK-first framework – including the social return on investment of scholarships

Who is the report for?

This report is for:

  • HR and talent specialists leading recruitment-focused activity like internships, graduate recruitment, and degree apprenticeships
  • Financial professionals considering the value of investing in scholarships
  • Policymakers, economists, and anyone making decisions about the future of Higher Education in the UK
  • University staff – both academic and professional – who are working in funding, student support, or education policy
  • Teachers and support staff in schools and academies advising pupils on careers and educational outcomes – especially pupils who are on free school meals, among the first generation considering university, or from areas with low progression to Higher Education
  • Any professional with an interest in the education and outcomes of current students and future generations.

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