
Financial education

Award-winning financial education on 80+ topics, giving your students money skills and confidence for life.


Financial education on 80+ topics

Learning content for your students on over 80+ financial topics. From budgeting, debt and student finance to more advanced subjects like risk management, sustainable investing, cryptocurrency, tax and pensions.

Learning to suit every student

We’ve got something for everyone, no matter where they are on their personal finance journey. From those with little financial knowledge to students with specific challenges and aspirational money goals.

Information for prospective students

There’s learning content for your prospective students and their parents/guardians too. To give you a competitive edge at open days and better prepare your future students for the real cost of uni life.

Resources in a range of formats

We provide financial education in multiple formats including videos, written articles and interactive tools. We also break learning up into bite-sized lessons, so students can complete it on a schedule that suits them.

Interactive education and self-assessments

To help students reflect on, evaluate and retain what they’ve learned, quick quiz questions and an end-of-topic summative assessment are integrated into our financial education.

App that puts learning into practice

Our Money Manager app helps students put their financial learning into practice to manage their money with confidence. Learn more about the app here.

“I found the Blackbullion platform very helpful. It’s great to have something that explains finance because it's a big thing when it comes to overall uni experience and wellbeing and it's not something you learn anywhere else.”

Renée Dzandzo-Caesar Student, The University of Law

“I wish I had this when I was at university…”

We’re on a mission to demystify the world of finance for your students and equip them with the money skills and confidence they need to thrive during their studies and beyond. Our financial education will support them with:


The foundations of personal finance: how to create a budget and stick to it.




Everything from interest rates to compound interest, credit scores to ‘good’ debt and ‘bad’ debt including Buy Now Pay Later facilities, and different methods of paying back debt.



Savings, trading & investing

Simple saving tricks, as well as in-depth info on all types of trading and investing.



Student finance

Guidance on the real cost of student life, as well as info on how the student finance system works and varies across the UK.



Tax, pensions & mortgages

Tax, pensions and mortgages including credit scores: how it all works, things to be aware of and steps to take as early as possible.



“The learning pathways in Blackbullion are invaluable and bring so much to our goals and objectives for financial education and capability. The flexibility is great too - a student can learn independently, dipping in and out when they want to.”

Jacqui Hamilton Financial Capability and Student Success Officer, Nottingham Trent University
97% of students believe universities should deliver financial information and advice to students
95% of students would recommend Blackbullion to a friend
89% of students report feeling confident about a financial topic after learning about it on Blackbullion
88% completion rate on our financial learning lessons
57% of those who have considered dropping out say using Blackbullion made them less 
likely to do so

“I want to get financially savvy so I’ve read every single article and done every single course on Blackbullion. I never felt like my school actually addressed finances but we need to know about them.”

Student The University of York

“I feel like I understand more jargon around the economy now and how it’s reported in the news. Blackbullion has elevated my knowledge and makes me feel accomplished. It definitely exceeded my expectations.”

Student Liverpool John Moores University

“Blackbullion not only offers support for students to learn more about financial support, but the platform itself is so user-friendly.  Blackbullion staff are always helpful with my queries and the knowledge I have also learnt has been amazing. Enjoying all the staff training and the newsletters too. Such an engaging platform.”

Basra Khan Inclusion Advisor - Student Welfare Arden University

“Blackbullion has given us a distinct starting point at Open Days. Prospective students and parents are introduced to Blackbullion and provided with access to specific modules designed to answer questions around funding, living costs, debt, bursaries and the availability of additional support.”

James Forshaw Senior Student Funding Officer Liverpool John Moores University

“It’s great to be able to plug the platform for financial education then offer the practical element of the app at the same time. It’s instantly tangible for students. It feels right.”

Rae Henry Student Money Service, UWE Bristol
UWE Bristol

Applying an institution-wide approach to financial education

Read story
University of Essex

Creating a better student experience of applying for financial support funds

Read story
Keele University

Centralising the financial support process

Read story
University Centre South Essex

Improving accessibility of financial support

Read story
UWE Bristol

Applying an institution-wide approach to financial education

Read story
University of Essex

Creating a better student experience of applying for financial support funds

Read story
Keele University

Centralising the financial support process

Read story
University Centre South Essex

Improving accessibility of financial support

Read story

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